Homepage Links Remain a Necessity

Nielsen Norman Group

“Summary: A site logo linking to the homepage is not enough. Logo design and placement, as well as the presence of a text link to the homepage affect success of navigation to homepage.”


“Homepage Links Remain a Necessity”
Nielsen Norman Group, July 23, 2017
Web Usability, Navigation
By Hoa Loranger

People Rely on Links to the Homepage

A direct, one-click link to the homepage is a must-have on websites. There are several reasons why:


  • Going back to the homepage is a common task. People often go to the homepage when they’re disoriented, they have gone too deep into a site, or they’re ready to start a new task.
  • Because of their dependency on search engines, most users enter websites through an interior page and bypass the homepage entirely. Easy access to the homepage provides a new starting point for those who are on the wrong page or want to explore other parts of the site.

How to Present Links to Homepages

There are two ways to present links to homepage: implicit, through logos, and explicit, through a link labeled Home or similar. You should use both these types of links. Below are guidelines for their use.

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