Auditing For Accessibility Problems With Firefox Developer Tools

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Auditing For Accessibility Problems With Firefox Developer Tools
Mozilla Hacks, October 29, 2019
Accessibility, Developer Tools and Web Developer Toolbox
By Marco Zehe

The Firefox 70 Accessibility Inspector is an auditing facility to help identify and fix many common mistakes and practices to help improve site accessibility. In this post, I will offer an overview of what is available in this latest release.


The Accessibility Inspector has become a valuable helper in identifying many common accessibility issues. You can rely on it to assist in designing your color palette. Use it to ensure you always offer good contrast and color choices. We build a11y [accessibility] features into the DevTools that you’ve come to depend on, so you do not need to download or search for external services or extensions first.

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About the Author:

Marco has been at Mozilla since 2007. He has always worked in the accessibility team, helping to ensure that Firefox and other Mozilla products are accessible. Before, he worked at a major commercial assistive technology vendor for the blind. He is blind from birth and lives in Hamburg, Germany.

See Also:

The A11Y Project – A community-driven effort to make web accessibility easier.