Beyond Fear: Thinking Sensibly about Security in an Uncertain World

Cover: Beyond Fear

“With a combination of funny yet pointed anecdotes, clear statistics and the occasional Harry Potter reference, Schneier uses his talent for cogent, rational explanation to show how people can think about security in the modern world, instead of simply panicking at every ominous news report.”

Beyond Fear: Thinking Sensibly about Security in an Uncertain World
A book by Bruce Schneier
Published by Copernicus Books, 2003
Hardcover: ISBN: 0-387-02620-7
Paperback: ISBN: 1-475-78119-9

Talking about security can lead to anxiety, panic, and dread… or cool assessments, common sense and practical planning.


Over the last two years we’ve become obsessed with security, and put in place a whole host of policies and procedures that will do… exactly what? In his latest book, Beyond Fear, security expert Bruce Schneier explains how security really works. The key is to think of security not in absolutes, but in terms of sensible trade-offs, whether on a personal or global scale. Schneier’s practical approach to problem-solving is a refreshing antidote to today’s doomsday pessimism and anxiety. With the technical know-how and common sense that have made him one of the world’s top security experts, Schneier shows how we can move beyond fear to start thinking sensibly and creatively about security.

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